The benefits are countless! Prof. Dr. İbrahim Saraçoğlu warned, even 1 glass of it stops constipation instantly.

The benefits are countless Prof Dr Ibrahim Saracoglu warned even

A sedentary life and a carbohydrate-based diet are among the most important causes of constipation. Consuming fibrous food and a protein-rich diet are recommended by experts. İbrahim Saraçoğlu, who is frequently on the agenda with his statements, recommended orange leaf cure for people suffering from constipation problems.


Add 7-8 orange leaves to approximately 1 glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Drink after breakfast. Continue taking one glass a day for 4 days.



Hydroxyproline and Luteolin substances contained in orange leaves stimulate your digestive system and facilitate digestion. It is recommended for people suffering from indigestion or constipation.

Here are the benefits of orange leaves:

  • Since it eases digestion, it is also good for chronic constipation.

  • It is perfect for ailments such as indigestion.

  • Orange leaf, which is also used for stomach disorders, is generally good for stomach and digestive disorders.

  • It prevents conditions such as arteriosclerosis and stroke.

-Relieves fatigue and nervousness.

  • It has an effect on beautiful skin.

  • It is very good for diseases such as cold, flu and flu.

  • It is perfect for anemia.

  • It activates the liver and increases bile excretion.

  • It reduces fever.

  • It gives energy to the body.

  • It quenches thirst.

  • It is debilitating.

  • It is beneficial for diabetics.
