Tag: Sustainability
Accountants: document on sustainability, governance and finance published
(Finance) – Highlight and deepen the relationship and bidirectional movement between sustainability issues and corporate governance – in their conceptual and functional dimension -, with a view to rethinking and…
Sustainability, Bruscino (Confapi): “Rewarding virtuous companies with tax breaks and incentives”
(Finance) – “It is not negative choices that transform society but positive choices. Political choices regarding sustainability must not penalize workers and businesses but must reward environmentally sustainable behavior through…
AdR, Bruni (Enav): “United by long collaboration on safety, procedures and sustainability”
(Finance) – “I am pleased to be present here today, on the day we celebrate a very important milestone for ADR. I like to remember on this occasion the long…
Sustainability, Unicredit supports Unifarco’s growth plans
(Finance) – Unicredit supports the plans of sustainable growth of Unifarco: the bank has in fact structured a financial support operation in favor of the Group based in Santa Giustina…
Supplementary agreement signed between Generali Italia and agent groups for business management, training and sustainability
(Finance) – General Italy signed today with all its Agent Groups – Anagina, Gaag, Gaat, Gagi and Unat – the 2nd level supplementary agreementwith the main objective of continue to…
Alessandro Benetton, Global Advocate of the Year for sustainability
(Finance) – Alessandro Benetton received the award which “Global Advocate of the Year 2023” by UNCAthe Association of Correspondents to the United Nations, in recognition of its “dedication and leadership…
SACBO, after the record 2023, multiplies its commitment to sustainability in the new year
(Finance) – SACBOthe management company of Milan Bergamo Airport, is preparing to close 2023 with a new one historical maximum of passengers, just under 16 million, which corresponds to an…
In Naples from 12 to 14 December “Consumer Expo” and “Sustainability Village”
(Finance) – Consumers are invading Naples with a three-day event that will see 12 protagonists consumer associations, the sixth edition of “Consumer Expo 2023” promoted by Assoutenti and the second…
Speri sustainability report: ESG and digitalisation key factors for growth
(Finance) – The sustainabilitybroken down into its three environmental, social and governance (ESG) components, andinnovation are the key points of the Speri Sustainability Report 2022an engineering company founded in 1974…
Sustainability in the pharmaceutical world, Chiesi Italia and Federfarma present three projects
(Finance) – The great transformation process that increasingly characterizes the role of the pharmacy and the pharmacist, considered by Italians as a professional to turn to for the management of…