Tag: streamers
Twitch streamers are live for 45 days straight, come up with stupid ideas, set toasters on fire
Some streamers got a bit bored on Twitch and came up with an idea that ended up causing the toaster to catch fire. Who is the person you are talking…
Other streamers buy a Lambo – the real star buys dad a Porsche
Successful shooter streamers earn a lot of money on Twitch. Fortnite star Clix bought a Lamborghini when he was 18. His friend Stable Ronaldo treated himself to a Porsche 991…
For a year, German streamers dreamed of making big money: But the dream burst
About a year ago, a dream began for the biggest German streamers: Apparently the streaming service Joyn would soon start a project that competes with Twitch and would only sign…
“You are the reason why streamers look so stupid”
The Twitch streamers Papaplatte and BastiGHG were voted the best duo by fans last year. In their recent streams, the two are jokingly arguing with each other again. Who is…
The group allegedly had the police hunt down 132 German Twitch streamers with false reports
“Swatting” involves setting the police on innocent people by creating an illusion of an emergency situation. In Germany, a group is said to be responsible for swatting 132 Twitch streamers…
“There wasn’t much left in my life” – One of the biggest German streamers is planning to say goodbye to Twitch
Michael “MckyTV” Doleys (31) is one of the bigger streamers on German Twitch. But that should now be over, because the 31-year-old is planning his streaming retirement. But when he…
From pizza delivery person to one of the biggest German Twitch streamers: Trymacs’ career
Maximilian Alexander Curt Stemmler has been on Twitch and YouTube under the name Trymacs since 2016. He is known for his obscenity, his likeable nature and Pay2Win content. But how…
German Twitch streamers bet for donations for sick children, then the community donates €4,000 in 90 seconds
Twitch streamer metashi12’s donation stream has been running since March 1st. On the first day, the community was able to raise an impressive sum for children with cancer. Also thanks…
Twitch streamers are making strange games famous for 24 hours and viewers are loving it
On Twitch and YouTube, many content creators are currently playing strange games, completely outside of AAA or AAAA games, but viewers seem to be more interested in that than current,…
Trymacs is angry because German Twitch streamers are all making a mistake
In a reaction video, the German Twitch streamer Trymacs criticized a common mistake that many streamers make: the clumsiness of German Twitch streamers makes him seethe. What was Trymacs upset…