“You are the reason why streamers look so stupid”

The Twitch streamers Papaplatte and BastiGHG were voted the best duo by fans last year. In their recent streams, the two are jokingly arguing with each other again.

Who is the person you are talking about? It’s about the Twitch streamers Papaplatte and BastiGHG, who regularly provide funny clips in which they jokingly argue. A clip was recently created on Papaplatte’s YouTube channel in which he drives BastiGHG to despair.

He then accuses Kevin of being to blame for why Twitch streamers look so bad in society.

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“Then I’d rather have my car stolen.”

The reason for this is a discussion between the two in which Papaplatte says that he always leaves all of his papers in the car. When his friend then explains to him that his car can be stolen so easily and that he has a second wallet, Papaplatte replies that he would rather have his car stolen.

His friend then loses his temper and jokingly accuses him: You are the reason why streamers look so stupid in society.

You can watch the full clip here:

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The duo is well received by fans

Why are they the best duo on Twitch? Despite the many joking arguments, or perhaps because of them, the Twitch streamers Papaplatte and BastiGHG are incredibly well received by the fans. This is also evident at award shows. Last year, Papaplatte won a total of 10 awards at the Streamawards, which was hosted and founded by Twitch streamer Reved.

In this award, it is 100% the viewers who decide which creator wins a prize. The viewers also decided that the duo Papaplatte and BastiGHG are the best Twitch duo in Germany.

Reactions from the community: This clip is also well received by the fans. But opinions are still divided within the community. On the one hand, some are on Basti’s side and see this as a risk for Papaplatte, but others support the streamer because they are of the opinion that this does not protect him from theft.

This is what some users write under the video on YouTube:

  • matchmaking-tagebuch8099 writes: I hope the thing gets stolen, just so I can hear this conversation afterwards.
  • lb_sun comments: You always have one person who takes care of everything and then….well….just a little guy
  • mrsna comments: Hey, everyone has that license in their car. The vehicle registration document is the important thing. It should be kept safe at home. For expensive cars, maybe even in the locker
  • The Twitch streamer BastiGHG has been streaming daily for 8 years, including with his friend Papaplatte. You can find out how long he wants to do this here:

    Twitch: Legendary streamer has been streaming every day for 8 years – now he reveals when it’s over
