Tag: podcasts
What is imposter syndrome? L’Express explains everything to you – L’Express
This week, Laurent Berbon, editor-in-chief at L’Express, dissects the notion of “imposter syndrome” which is very often talked about in the world of work. READ ALSO: Management: the false beliefs…
Senegal: a transition "miracle"and after ?
In this episode, we analyze the changes taking place in the country with Célia Cuordifede, correspondent for L’Express in Dakar and author of Those who remain published by Rocher. FIND…
When Russia and China eye our overseas territories – L’Express
In this episode of La Loupe, Alexandra Saviana, journalist in the Société de L’Express department, discusses the increasingly strong presence of China and Russia overseas. READ ALSO: The formidable strategy…
the flight of doctors towards aesthetics – L’Express
In this episode, Antoine Beau, from the Sciences and Health department of L’Express, explains to you why this career change among many practitioners is causing a lot of reaction. READ…
the front page of L’Express in La Loupe – L’Express
This week, Céline Delbecque, journalist in the Society department, tells us about L’Express’ investigation into these French neighborhoods where traffic is everywhere. She explains to us how France is “losing…
what is the Claeys-Leonetti law? L’Express explains everything to you – L’Express
In this new episode of La Loupe, we look at the provisions regulating the end of life, thanks to the Claeys-Leonetti law, with Agnès Laurent, senior reporter at L’Express, while…
Rachida Dati, a chameleon in Macronie – L’Express
In this episode of La Loupe, Paul Chaulet and Eric Mandonnet, journalists in the Politics department of L’Express, tell us how Rachida Dati became the chameleon of the French political…
the Channel at the heart of a trade war – L’Express
In this episode of La Loupe, we dissect the commercial battle in the narrow sea passage between Calais and Dover with Béatrice Mathieu, senior reporter at L’Express. READ ALSO: Between…
what does the 3% objective correspond to? – The Express
Today, Thibault Marotte, from the Economy department of L’Express, explains to us what the 3% deficit rule corresponds to. READ ALSO: Public deficit: the government’s risky bet FIND ALL THE…
What is the Islamic State in Khorasan? L’Express explains everything to you – L’Express
This week, Emma Collet, journalist in the World department of L’Express, explains to us what the Islamic State group in Khorassan, responsible for the March 22 attack in Moscow, is.…