Tag: massacre
Imagine Back to the Future as a horror massacre
Totally Killer is the big new film on Amazon Prime. What at first glance looks like an ordinary slasher turns out to be one upon closer inspection crazy mix of…
New findings on Öland – there may be connections to the great massacre
Many sheep skeletons have been found in several of the post holes that supported the building in Gamla Skogsby near Färjestaden on Öland. – In one of the posts we…
Accident like massacre in Italy! Tourist bus flew over the overpass: 21 dead, 15 injured…
In the accident that occurred last night in Venice, Italy, which is flooded with tourists every year, the bus carrying tourists flew off the 30-meter overpass and crashed into the…
Survivors of the wedding in Mosul, where 115 people died, described their moments of horror: “We couldn’t get out of the door, we were stranded…”
After the fire started when the fireworks were lit while the bride and groom were dancing, all the guests headed towards the door of the wedding hall. While it was…
After Japan’s flash move, the massacre of the environment and life was expected to happen! The explanations came one after another…
Japan’s decision to dump the treated radioactive water accumulated at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the sea after the tsunami in 2011 was followed on the edge by…
Texas Chain Saw Massacre attracts great attention
Added to Xbox Game Pass, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre attracted great attention from many players in the first 24 hours. The latest game to be added to Microsoft’s Xbox…
Xbox Game Pass adds Texas Chain Saw Massacre
Xbox Game Pass refreshes the game content, this time adding the horror game The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Day one games are one of the main benefits that offer Xbox…
Ukraine’s counter-offensive produced the first breakthrough, an outright massacre in Donetsk
Ukraine’s counterattack has lasted almost three months and progressed slowly, but now Russia’s defense line has begun to tear, for example in the Donetsk region in Urožaine. A military professor…
DRC: 19 years after the Gatumba massacre in Burundi, the Banyamulenge community has forgotten nothing
On the night of August 13 to 14, 2004, at the Gatumba camp in Burundi, at least 150 Congolese Tutsi refugees from South Kivu, mostly women, children and the elderly,…
Ten years ago, the Rabaa al-Adhawiya Square massacre, a turning point in Egypt
On August 14, 2013, in Rabaa al-Adhawiya and Nahda squares in Cairo, the Egyptian authorities bloodily repressed a protest movement by supporters of deposed President Mohamed Morsi against the military…