s team could win an Emmy tonight: “Exciting”

Tonight, TV4’s reportage series from the war in Ukraine can take home the award in the International Emmy Awards in the news category.
– It is extremely flattering, says TV4 Nyheternas reporter Stefan Borg before the gala.

Tonight is the time for the prestigious television gala Emmy Awards where TV4’s reportage series from the war in Ukraine is nominated in the news category.

TV4’s reporter Stefan Borg and photographer Felix Larnö are behind the reportage series. The series depicts life in areas that Russia has occupied in Ukraine. The reportage gives the audience a larger overall picture of all aspects of the war, says Stefan Borg.

– It is extremely flattering to have been nominated, he says.

The Emmy-nominated TV4 team with daughters Alice and Mira

The Emmy-nominated TV4 team with daughters Alice and Mira

When TV4 talks to Stefan Borg, they are just about to start moving towards the nomination ceremony, where all the nominees have been invited before the night’s gala. They must also have been asked to write a thank-you speech to give if they won.

– It should be a speech of thanks in about 30 seconds. I have it in my head, but it will probably be a bit spontaneous too, he says.

“A win in itself”

Stefan Borg does not see winning as a matter of course, as there is stiff competition among the nominees in the same category, including Sky News.

– Winning is fantastic. But just being nominated is a win in itself. So it is absolutely something to be proud of and it is very exciting, says Stefan Borg.

The winner of the Emmy Awards is chosen in New York, USA.
