How much canned tuna should be consumed, what are the benefits? In how many days should canned tuna fish be consumed, can the oil be eaten?

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Tuna, which belongs to the tuna species from the Uskorumgiller family, is usually consumed in canned form. When the tuna fish is examined in terms of physical structure, its weight can reach 1 ton and its length can reach 6 meters. Canned tuna is also known as a fish processing product. After the fish is processed, its lid is closed in the form of a seal. It is placed in an airtight container. When tuna is canned, the fish inside is protected against external factors. Since it is canned, it has a long shelf life. Being a source of omega-3, tuna is also rich in B vitamins, selenium, protein and magnesium. Apart from its health aspect, canned tuna also draws attention with its taste.

How much canned tuna should be consumed?

Canned tuna can cause serious health problems when consumed excessively. The correct consumption amount of canned tuna differs according to age. Fish should not be given to a newborn baby until he is one year old. There are many opinions on children’s consumption of canned tuna. Since there is no definite data, you can find out how much canned fish children will consume by consulting a specialist. However, in general, it is recommended to consume 85 grams per month for children under the age of 6, and 127 grams per month for children between the ages of 6-12.

Tuna consumption in adults differs by gender. It is recommended that women consume canned tuna a maximum of 3 times a week. For men, it is recommended to consume 226 grams. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not consume fish with high mercury content. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not consume more than 113 grams of canned tuna. Canned tuna with low mercury content should be consumed a maximum of 3 times a week.

In how many days should canned tuna be consumed?

Tuna with unopened cans can be stored for 1 to 5 years without spoiling when placed in cool and dry places. The way the canned tuna is stored is also very important. Tuna fish whose cans are opened should be frozen and put in airtight and closed containers. After the fish is placed in the container, it can last for an average of 3 months. Canned fish stored in the refrigerator can only be stored for 3-4 days without spoiling.

Can you eat canned tuna?

Canned tuna is a very healthy food as long as you don’t overdo it. There is protein in 20 to 24 grams of 100 grams of canned tuna. Canned tuna contains vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium and potassium. If the oil of canned tuna is filtered and consumed, the amount of calories decreases. 100 grams of light canned fish consists of 95 calories. 160 grams of canned tuna is 297 calories. Canned tuna can be added to salads, pastas, or eaten on toast and sandwiches.

Is canned tuna harmful?

Salt and mercury content is high in canned tuna. In addition, canned tuna contains pathological bacteria. There is a lot of research on whether canned tuna is harmful because it contains salt, pathological bacteria and mercury. High levels of mercury in the body cause fatigue. The high amount of mercury in the body also causes nervous system disorder. The amount of consumption should be adjusted very well in order not to be exposed to the side effects of canned tuna. It is also recommended that you consult a specialist about the amount of consumption. If consumed in the right amounts, the harm will be less.

Can the oil of canned tuna be eaten?

Canned tuna contains oil. The main reason for putting oil in canned tuna is to prevent odor. Sunflower or olive oil is usually put in the can. There is no harm in eating the oils in canned tuna. However, it is recommended to filter the oil to prevent diseases such as cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases.

What are the benefits of canned tuna?

Canned tuna is beneficial for health when consumed correctly. Canned tuna benefits:

  • It prevents blood clotting and accelerates blood flow.
  • The high amount of vitamin D in it regulates the moisture balance in the skin.
  • It makes hair grow fast and healthy.
  • It is a food that should be consumed for eye health.
  • It consists of EPA and DHA ingredients that prevent eye dryness.
  • Being very rich in omega 3, it regulates cardiovascular health.
  • It increases the ratio of good cholesterol, called HDL, in the blood.
  • Canned tuna, which is high in potassium and protein, also regulates blood pressure.
  • Brings blood pressure values ​​to the required level.
  • It has a protective effect against cancer. It also reduces the risk of kidney, colon and breast cancer. Therefore, it is recommended to consume at least once a week.
  • Selenium, which is in the harmful toxin substances formed in the liver, is excreted from the body through Omega 3.
  • It is also good for psychological disorders such as mood changes, depression and anxiety.
