What are the stones placed on the railway tracks used for? It’s not to look pretty

What are the stones placed on the railway tracks used

The stones placed along the tracks have several specific functions. But we do not find them along the TGV and that too has a reason!

Anyone living near a train track or subway system has probably noticed, on several occasions, the small stones arranged under and around the tracks. And although many think they are there to decorate the way, they actually perform many functions to improve the quality and safety of public transport.

All these stones placed on the railway tracks are identical. They are called “ballast” and can have a diameter varying from 4 to 15 centimeters. The fact that all stones used on railway tracks are ballast is no coincidence. After long studies, it was determined that this particular material had many qualities for trains and tracks:

  • The uniform distribution of the weight of the trains.
  • Prevent the track foundations from sinking or deforming.
  • Hold the rails in position.
  • Minimize vibrations inside the train.
  • Ensure better stability of the train.
  • Prevent weed growth around tracks.
  • Reduce track pressure on the ground.
  • Ensure immediate drainage of rainwater, avoiding the formation of puddles.

However, those who have had the opportunity to see the concrete tracks of high-speed trains can confirm that there is not a single stone in sight. This is due to the fact that the ballast, when it comes into contact with the wheel of the trains, can be thrown at high speed, damaging the train or a nearby installation. Although this is unavoidable with traditional trains, it remains infrequent. But for high-speed trains, the stone could pose extreme danger.
