Tiktok is teeming with financial tips – you should watch out for this

Tiktok is full of clips with financial tips. It can be about everything from fund saving and how to become a shark on shares to how to make millions – fast.

But when people on social media promise followers to become rich in a short time, you should always be on your guard, says Gunnar Harrius, financial journalist on the Kapitalet podcast.

– In theory, it is possible to become rich, but it very often takes a very long time. So when it’s promised that you’ll get rich in a month, or a week or even a year… well, then I think you should turn a blind eye, he says.

The warning: Many cryptocurrencies are scams

A phenomenon that is hinted at in these financial clips is “trading” of various kinds, trading with, for example, shares or crypto. There is a jungle of different cryptocurrencies here, which it is good to watch out for, says Gunnar Harrius.

– Nowadays, tens, or maybe even hundreds, of new cryptocurrencies come out every day. Many of them are just total scams, there is absolutely nothing behind them, he says.
