What are the benefits of green tea, does it weaken? How to brew green tea, what does it do?

Green tea is known as a natural beverage and has been consumed for centuries, especially in Asia. Unlike other varieties of tea leaf, green tea leaves are slightly steamed and dried before processing. Therefore, green tea leaves are less processed than other types of tea and remain more natural. Green tea contains many beneficial components such as antioxidants and polyphenols. For this reason, green tea is considered to have many health benefits. At the same time, recent studies have shown that green tea can be beneficial in areas such as weight loss, heart health and even brain function.

What does green tea do?

Green tea is rich in antioxidants, and these antioxidants can help prevent cell damage. Therefore, regular consumption of green tea can reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and many other chronic diseases. A component called catechin in green tea can help speed up metabolism. This, in turn, can be beneficial for those who want to achieve their weight loss goals. Green tea benefits:

  • Because green tea is a low-calorie beverage, it can be beneficial for those who want to achieve their weight loss goals.
  • In addition, green tea is thought to speed up metabolism and increase fat burning.
  • The polyphenols in green tea can help lower blood pressure and dilate blood vessels.
  • Thanks to the caffeine and L-theanine components in green tea, it can help improve brain functions.
  • The fluoride in green tea can help prevent tooth decay and protect dental health.

Along with these properties, there are many different types and varieties of green tea, and each can have its own benefits. However, more research needs to be done on the benefits of green tea, and it should be noted that everyone is likely to react differently.

The taste and aroma of green tea can be significantly enhanced with the right brewing method. Green tea recipe usually uses 1 teaspoon of green tea per 1 cup of water. However, the amount may vary depending on the type of tea and personal preferences. The brewing time is usually between 1-3 minutes. To brew the green tea, first boil the water and then wait 1-2 minutes for the temperature to drop. Then put the green tea in the preheated teapot and add the hot water to it. The lid of the teapot is closed and the tea is waited for brewing. After the brewing time is over, the tea is filtered and served.

Who can not drink green tea?

Although green tea is a natural beverage, some people’s consumption is not recommended or should be limited. Caffeine in green tea can be harmful for pregnant women, and excessive consumption can increase the risk of preterm delivery. Children’s excessive consumption of green tea can lead to high caffeine intake and cause insomnia, restlessness and even heart palpitations.

Green tea may interact with medications that have blood-thinning effects, increasing the risk of bleeding. It can increase stomach acid and exacerbate these problems in people with stomach problems such as reflux, ulcers or gastritis. The caffeine found in green tea may aggravate symptoms in people with anxiety or sleep problems. Green tea can interact with some drugs, increasing or decreasing the effect of drugs. For this reason, those who use drugs should consult their doctor while consuming green tea.

Does green tea lose weight?

The catechins found in green tea, especially EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate), may be potentially useful for accelerating fat burning and increasing metabolism. This is why green tea is thought to aid in the weight loss process. In addition, the fact that green tea is a low-calorie beverage may cause it to be preferred in diets for weight loss. In other words, green tea consumption is a frequently preferred beverage to reduce calorie intake. However, research on the weakening effect of green tea has not yet yielded clear results. Green tea is thought to aid the weight loss process. However, more research is needed to clearly prove this effect. It is known that green tea is also beneficial in terms of health benefits, so its regular consumption is also recommended in terms of maintaining general health.

Is green tea harmful?

Although green tea has many health benefits, excessive consumption can also bring some harm. Although green tea contains less caffeine than other teas, it still has a high caffeine content. Excessive consumption can cause side effects such as insomnia, restlessness, dizziness and heart palpitations.

Tannins in green tea can inhibit iron absorption. Therefore, excessive consumption of green tea by people with iron deficiency can further reduce iron absorption. The oxalates in green tea can reduce calcium absorption. Therefore, its excessive consumption can increase the risk of osteoporosis. It can increase stomach acid and exacerbate these problems in people with stomach problems such as reflux, ulcers or gastritis.

Green tea can be harmful in people with liver problems. Its excessive consumption can cause liver toxicity and even the risk of cirrhosis. It can interact with some drugs, increasing or decreasing the effect of drugs. For this reason, those who use drugs should consult their doctor while consuming green tea. The harms of green tea usually occur in case of excessive consumption. Therefore, it is recommended to limit the amount consumed daily. It should also be noted that everyone is likely to react differently. If you experience any side effects or discomfort, you should stop consuming green tea and consult your doctor.

When to drink green tea?

Green tea can be consumed at any time of the day. However, due to the caffeine in green tea, consuming it late at night can cause insomnia. For this reason, it is recommended that people with insomnia problems do not consume green tea after the evening hours. Consuming green tea in the morning can help you have an energetic start to the day. Caffeine in green tea can help you feel fresh in the morning with its arousing effect. In addition, thanks to the antioxidants in green tea, it can help your body better prepare for the day.

Consuming green tea at noon can reduce the feeling of fatigue experienced after lunch. Caffeine and L-theanine in green tea can increase concentration and reduce mental fatigue. In addition, thanks to the antioxidants in green tea, it can also strengthen the immune system. Consuming green tea in the evening is not recommended as it can cause insomnia. However, consuming it lightly after a meal can facilitate digestion and accelerate metabolism.
