Vard (Fincantieri) will build a vessel for submarine operations for a Norwegian shipowner

Vard Fincantieri will build a vessel for submarine operations for

(Finance) – Vardthe group’s Norwegian subsidiary Fincantieri active in the construction of special vessels, and Island Offshore, a Norwegian shipowner operating in the Oil & Gas and renewables markets, have signed a contract for the design and construction of an Ocean Energy Construction Vessel (OECV) latest generation hybrid propulsion. The parties also agreed on an option for two more ships.

The ship, which it will be delivered in the first quarter of 2027, will have a flexible configuration depending on the specific operations that the ship will have to carry out. It will perform subsea operations, including inspection, maintenance and repair, pipelaying, construction and installation of subsea infrastructure, dive support and remotely controlled underwater inspection equipment.

“This order represents aanother confirmation of the group’s leadership and of Vard in the Offshore and Special Vessels sector, which is continuing to record solid performances after the acceleration of recent months – commented theCEO Pierroberto Folgiero – This type of unit is capable of carrying out a wide range of underwater operations, thus strengthening the group’s role in the underwater domain with cutting-edge technologies, as envisaged in our Industrial Plan.”
