the remuneration of interim doctors at the hospital soon to be capped

the remuneration of interim doctors at the hospital soon to

On Monday, April 3, the remuneration of interim doctors at the hospital must be strictly capped. Thus it cannot exceed 1,800 euros gross for 24-hour care, a measure intended to put an end to salaries sometimes considered exorbitant by the authorities which can exceed 3,000 euros for 24-hour care. But this measure arouses the anger of the caregivers concerned. This in a context where the public hospital is going through a deep crisis and is understaffed.

Interim doctors threaten to refuse missions from Monday, April 3, with the risk that hospital services will be in greater difficulty, or even be forced to close. However, discussions will continue with the Ministry of Health.

For years, the authorities have wanted to regulate the rates of temporary work in hospitals, two laws have even been adopted, but they are giving up on them for fear in particular of weakening a little more the public hospital, plagued by a shortage of staff. .

This time, the government intends to carry out the measure. No more 24-hour call duty, which could be paid for 2 000 or even 4 000 euros. Capping will apply.

union anger

What angers Dr. Eric Reboliat the head of the union of hospital replacement doctors: “ Wages range from €50 per hour, ie around €1,000 per 24 hours, up to €1,600 in 80% of cases. So by finding an example of someone who won a huge amount on July 14, we are just stigmatizing to save a penny. » Dr Éric Réboli warns : without temporary workers, many hospital services could be weakened.

For their part, the authorities hope that the temporary workers will adapt. And that the statutory carers leaving the public hospital to return there as temporary workers will be fewer. Medical unions are instead calling for an improvement in working conditions and wages to retain them.

►Also listen: Crisis in the hospital, on all floors
