Criticism of the plan to combat nuisance asylum seekers: ‘Making people’s lives miserable is not the solution’
Nuisance in Utrecht In Utrecht, the nuisance mainly occurs in the station area, under the bulbous roof. For more than a year, that location has been the scene of nuisance…
UU is banning flights, employees are now obliged to travel by train when traveling within 700 kilometres
Until now, traveling by train has only been encouraged by the university, but in many cases it is now mandatory. In this way, the educational institution hopes to emit fewer…
Utrecht University will (probably) not sign a manifesto against sexual violence: ‘Putting responsibility solely on us is unjustified’
It Amnesty manifesto consists of six promises: 1. Every student must be able to participate in an introductory workshop that has proven to be effective. 2. Every student must be…
Utrecht University will (probably) not sign a manifesto against sexual violence: ‘Putting responsibility on us is unjustified’
It Amnesty manifesto consists of six promises: 1. Every student must be able to participate in an introductory workshop that has proven to be effective. 2. Every student must be…
UU students try to find a solution for long covid
Utrecht – Long covid, or long-term covid, is a worldwide problem. Recent research shows that one in eight people have permanent complaints from a corona infection, but there is no…
Finnish-American Anna (19) couldn’t find a room and now lives in a Utrecht hostel
Utrecht – Did she have any doubts about coming to Utrecht? No, actually not. Finnish-American exchange student Anna Keyzer (19) is sitting on her bed. Around her are more beds,…
Dozens of international students still without room at the start of the Utrecht academic year
17 percent of the students who completed the survey still do not have a room. The majority of the students who did find housing live in Utrecht. Nevertheless, it regularly…
Don’t let it go: this way we can prevent water shortages in the future
Wanders is not pessimistic about the future. Yes, today’s drought is a problem, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing that can be done about it. According to Wanders, the solution…
Italian Lavinia scammed for 1800 euros when she was looking for a room: ‘International students often victims’
“We receive dozens of messages a day from desperate students who are looking for a room,” says Daan Donkers of Hospi Housing, an organization that matches international students with host…
Italian Lavinia (19) was looking for a room and was scammed for 1800 euros: ‘International students are often victims’
“We receive dozens of messages a day from desperate students who are looking for a room,” says Daan Donkers of Hospi Housing, an organization that matches international students with host…