Tag: Superbonus
Superbonus, from MPS ceiling of 35 million for works in 2009 earthquake areas
(Finance) – Amounts to The ceiling is 35 million euros to be allocated to interventions linked to the 110% Superbonus in the areas affected by the earthquake of 6 April…
Superbonus, Eurostat: tax credits are “payable”
(Finance) – On 26 September the Statistical Office of European Union, Eurostat, published his opinion, of a purely methodological nature, on the classification of the so-called Superbonus in public finance…
Superbonus, for condominiums an extension of at least 3 months is being studied
(Finance) – One extension of at least three months of the 110% superbonus for condominiums. According to what has been learned, this is the hypothesis under study to guarantee the…
Superbonus, CNA: “Already heavily reduced and has not fueled any irregularities”
(Finance) – “The bonuses for the redevelopment of buildings, and in particular the Superbonus, have already been significantly reduced with the latest Budget law both in terms of the benefit…
Superbonus, the Enel X proposal: Esco and banks together to reopen the credit market
(Finance) – A proposal to demobilize approx 40 billion in stranded housing tax credits related to Superbonus but also to give life to a more structural instrument. It is the…
Superbonus decree, green light from the Chamber: the text passes to the Senate
(Finance) – The Chamber of Deputies has given the green light in the first reading to the conversion in law of Superbonus decree wanted by the government to clarify the…
Superbonus, ok to extend to 30 September for villas
(Finance) – The finance commission of the Chamber has given the go-ahead for the villas – who have completed at least 30% of the works by 30 September 2022 –…
Superbonus 110%, ENEA: 384,958 sworn translations for 75.3 billion deductions
(Finance) – The number of sworn statements relating to the Super bonus 110%for interventions of efficiency energeticpresented by sending the application to ENEA as of 31 January 2023 were a…
Superbonus, quick solution for expiring credits: the government ready to give the ok
(Finance) – The government would be ready to approve the solution identified by the supervisor of the Superbonus decree, Andrea de Bertoldi (Fdi), which allows you to register credit on…
Superbonus, first technical table at the MEF: compensation hypotheses are advanced on F24
(Finance) – Yesterday afternoon the first of the technical tables was held at Mefchaired by the Deputy Minister Mauritius Leobetween government, lenders, developers and properties building announced after the top…