Superbonus, first technical table at the MEF: compensation hypotheses are advanced on F24

Superbonus first technical table at the MEF compensation hypotheses are

(Finance) – Yesterday afternoon the first of the technical tables was held at Mefchaired by the Deputy Minister Mauritius Leobetween government, lenders, developers and properties building announced after the top management at Palazzo Chigi to discuss possible changes to the decree on the transfer of superbonus credits. Work is underway on a bridging solution for exodus from incentives. In addition to representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Prime Minister, Mase, Mimit, Mit, Revenue Agency, Cdp, Sace and the associations Abi, Ance , Confedilizia, Confindustria, Confapi, Alleanza Cooperative italiani, Confartigianato, Cna, Confimi, Network of technical professions, Casartigiani, Confcommercio, Confassociazioni and UPPI.

The compensations intended to reopen the market for tax credits produced by building bonuses will focus on F24 of companies and banks. The most solid certainties for now concern the items that will be excluded from the mechanism: contributions, which are essential for the payment of pensions, and household taxes, which will continue to follow their traditional path. The deputy general manager of the ABI, Gianfranco Torrieroexpressed a constructive evaluation of the works.

“During the meeting – explained Torriero – appreciation for the proposal grew ABI And reeds on the use of the F24. This proposal is the viable solution given the very large purchases of tax credits already made and the commitments already undertaken by the banks, certified by the Commission of Inquiry into Banks last June”.

Reeds in particular pushes for one solution quickbecause you can’t wait to insert the changes to the decree during the conversion process in Parliament, which will start on Thursday 23 February in the House but could take up to 60 days. “For us it is essential, in addition to changes to the decree during the conversion, quickly find a solution to the release of problem loans” also “opening up to the purchase by the investees”, explained the president, Federica Brancaccio. Brancaccio clarified that Abi and Mef are still working on the residual capacity of the banks, and next week there will also be a clearer picture of the weight of credits on the deficit.
