Tag: Superbonus
Spread Superbonus credits, Confprofessioni: very impactful negative effects
(Finance) – The Superbonus “credit-spreading” amendment will lead to very impactful negative effects for all operators in the sector: professionals, businesses, banks, financial intermediaries, citizens. “While understanding and sharing the…
Superbonus decree, Brancaccio (Ance): retroactivity and continuous regulatory changes
(Finance) – “La there is retroactivity. We will see what the text will be, but we are worried because there is a constant barrage of changes. The rules keep changing…
Superbonus, Berger (IMF): not efficient, does not help Italy along the road to productivity
(Finance) – The deputy director of the European department of the European Monetary Fund, Helge Bergercriticized the Super bonus and these types of incentives explain that they do not help…
Superbonus decree, proposed amendment to involve municipalities in controls
(Finance) – According to what Ansa reports which cites parliamentary sources, in Finance commission of the Senate is considering preparing a amendment to the dl Superbonus to involve, on a…
Superbonus, the exemption for earthquake-hit areas arrives
(Finance) – More news on the front Super bonus. In fact, in the latest draft of the decree dedicated to the measure, the government has foreseen that the stop to…
Superbonus, Confartigianato “Limited opening for earthquake areas. But trouble awaits everyone else.”
(Finance) – “We appreciate the limited openness to corrective interventions due to a discount on the invoice from superbonus in the earthquake areas of Abruzzo/central Italy, with a spending ceiling…
Superbonus, new squeeze arrives in CdM (surprise)
(Finance) – A surprise arrives new tightening on the Superbonus: new limitations, according to the provisions of a law decree which, according to what Ansa understands, was approved by the…
Superbonus bill, final green light from the Senate: no extension
(Finance) – The Senate gave the green light at second reading to the conversion into law of the Superbonus decree with 81 votes in favour, 48 votes against and 4…
From “selective” 110% Superbonus to Irpef Reform: the decisions of the Council of Ministers
(Finance) – Green light from the Council of Ministers to the Milleproroghe decreeto four others implementing decrees of the tax reform and to a ad hoc decree on the Superbonus…
From Superbonus to Irpef brackets: the issues to be resolved in the end-of-year meeting
(Finance) – With a few days left until the end of the year, it’s time to Thousand extensions: yesterday afternoon at Palazzo Chigi came together a pre-Cdm, ahead of today’s…