Superbonus decree, Brancaccio (Ance): retroactivity and continuous regulatory changes

Superbonus decree Brancaccio Ance retroactivity and continuous regulatory changes

(Finance) – “La there is retroactivity. We will see what the text will be, but we are worried because there is a constant barrage of changes. The rules keep changing on which citizens and businesses rely”.President of the National Association of Building Contractors (ANCE), Federica Brancaccioto Askanews regarding thegovernment amendment to the superbonus decree, announced by the Minister of Economy Giancarlo Giorgetti, aimed at introducing the obligation to pay the credits deriving from the bonus in installments over ten years, instead of four.

“A misunderstanding has arisen by saying that since the measure concerns 2024 there is no retroactivity. This is not the case – explained Brancaccio -. Take for example the condominiums that have not completed the works in 2023 and are carrying them forward with the superbonus at 70%, as required by law. Now all payments for the 2024 annuity will benefit from the ten-year credit“. Therefore, according to the president of ANCE, “the rules on ongoing contracts, previously signed, are changing“. “If I signed a contract with the bank for the purchase of credits over four years – he adds – what happens to this contract in 2024? Who pays this cost difference? The risk is the proliferation of disputes“. “Another “blow” could come if the stop to the offsetting of credits with social security contributions was confirmed. Structured companies that have employees rely on this possibility”, concludes the president.
