Tag: South Korea
Mbappé, Neymar, Messi, De Bruyne… The 11 stars to watch from the 2022 World Cup
The 22nd World Cup is being held in Qatar from November 20 to December 18. For a month, 32 nations will fight to engrave their name on the most coveted…
North Korea launches intercontinental ballistic missile
North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile on Friday, November 18, which would have fallen into Japan’s exclusive economic zone. A shot that follows the fifty missiles fired in the…
Children’s bodies were found in suitcases… The two countries are shaken by this event! They were held there for 4 years without anyone knowing.
In recent months, the two countries’ agenda has been the suitcase murders, which have made everyone’s blood freeze. Both South Korea and New Zealand were alarmed after suitcases containing the…
the denuclearization of North Korea, a “precondition for peace in the Indo-Pacific”
The meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) ends on November 13 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. While tensions are high in the region, crystallized by China, South Korea…
156 people died in the Halloween disaster! Key figure in investigation found dead at home
The police officer, who was a suspect in the investigation into the stampede that killed 156 people at the Halloween celebration in South Korea, was found dead at his home.…
Poland and South Korea strengthen ties over fermented cabbage
Daesang, the Korean giant of kimchi, the typical Korean dish made from fermented cabbage and chilli, will open its first European factory in Poland by 2024. A sign of an…
How the North Korean threat is accelerating the rapprochement between Seoul and Tokyo
The month of October saw the tension rise between the two Koreas between missile launches and military maneuvers. Faced with the threat of North Korea, South Korea is strengthening its…
The two Koreas engage in a show of force in the air
The Korean peninsula continues to see tension rise. After repeated artillery and missile fire in recent days, this Friday, November 4, it was the turn of an aerial demonstration. On…
They were fired one after another! South Korea announced: a first after the partition of the Korean Peninsula
North Korea’s missile tests increased tensions in the region. While South Korea announced that North Korea had carried out at least 10 more missile tests, it was stated that a…
War bells are ringing in the region! After Russia and Ukraine, now… ‘They will pay the most terrible price’
After the joint exercise of the USA and South Korea, a disturbing statement came from North Korea. Pak Jong Chon, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of…