Tag: solutions
Need to sign a text? Word offers three very effective solutions to personalize or authenticate a document in a simple way, with a handwritten or digital signature.
Need to sign a text? Word offers three very effective solutions to personalize or authenticate a document in a simple way, with a handwritten or digital signature. Summary Whether for…
It’s the end of an era: the SNCF will remove from its stations the famous yellow terminals used to compost the cardboard tickets, by betting everything on dematerialized solutions. A forced march towards all-digital that will leave people behind…
It’s the end of an era: the SNCF will remove from its stations the famous yellow terminals used to compost the cardboard tickets, by betting everything on dematerialized solutions. A…
Finally say stop to condensation and fog at home. Effective solutions
In winter, it is not uncommon for condensation enters our homes and makes the air damp and cold. This is also the first cause of humidity in the house. This…
To catch up with solutions like Teams or Zoom, Skype is benefiting from an update with a modernized interface, new practical functions, a tab for news and real-time audio translation.
To catch up with solutions like Teams or Zoom, Skype is benefiting from an update with a modernized interface, new practical functions, a tab for news and real-time audio translation.…
Dental aligners: beware of the solutions offered remotely and online!
News Published on 01/24/2023 at 11:06 am Updated 01/24/2023 at 11:06 am Reading 3 mins. in collaboration with Dr Jérémy Amzalag (Dentist specialized in Implantology and Periodontology) In England, dentists…
Togg will use Qualcomm signed solutions in its vehicles
The name behind the domestic automobile project togg, according to the official announcement Qualcomm their solutions will use. The statement from the company in this regard was as follows: “Aiming…
Shortage of antibiotics: a risk for patients? What solutions?
Announced since December, the shortage of antibiotics could last a few more weeks. Pharmacies and the government are working to find solutions and the executive hopes for an improvement during…
The RATP continues its digital transition by removing the famous magnetic ticket, gradually withdrawn from sale by Ile-de-France Mobilités. Update on the various digital solutions to replace it… and find your way around.
The RATP continues its digital transition by removing the famous magnetic ticket, gradually withdrawn from sale by Ile-de-France Mobilités. Update on the various digital solutions to replace it… and find…
Staff shortage in childcare continues to be great, Utrecht is looking for solutions
Utrecht – Better spreading the crowds at childcare and attracting people on benefits to work in childcare, for example, are possible solutions for the staff shortage in childcare. These solutions…
It will instantly make cracked heels feel like cotton! Natural solutions to get rid of cracked heels
Many people in society suffer from cracked heels. People who are ashamed to take off their socks are looking for solutions for cracked heels. Simple applications at home can instantly…