Dental aligners: beware of the solutions offered remotely and online!

Dental aligners beware of the solutions offered remotely and online

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Jérémy Amzalag (Dentist specialized in Implantology and Periodontology)

    In England, dentists are sounding the alarm: to get a perfect smile, many people are ready to order an alignment gutter online without going through “the dentist box”. A more dangerous practice than it seems, which is also developing in France.

    Very white teeth, and above all aligned, this is the symbol of good health and a perfect smile for many of us. But if perfecting your smile is possible, in particular thanks to the wearing of invisible gutters, the method has a price, and a duration that may make some people hesitate. It is in this niche that new companies are emerging, including in France. Several of them offer a less expensive online service, from taking the impression to sending the gutters with, supposedly, a professional follow-up. But is going without a professional in the office really serious?

    Teeth unable to bite an apple

    It is not Jamie, an English witness who will affirm it. His case made it possible to illustrate a whole subject BBC last January 20. The father of the family was thus seduced by the arguments of the largest seller of transparent remote aligners, Smile Direct Club. The price and positive reviews did the rest. But the man was quickly disillusioned: after a set of fingerprints made using a simple kit received at home, Jamie received his aligners to wear for the next 6 months. However, his gums were quickly injured, a tooth became wobbly and his enamel weakened.

    And despite the promise of follow-up by an officially registered dentist in England, his worries only resulted in access to an online “dental expert” whose qualifications he was unaware of. After 2 years of procedure, Jamie obtained a refund, but believes to be afraid that his teeth are no longer strong enough “to bite into an apple”.

    A situation that alarms the profession on both sides of the Channel. For Dr Anjli Patel of the British Orthodontic Society, “customers who expect the same level of care as those who receive traditional braces are not fully informed about what they are buying.” Few orthodontists would provide an assessment for remote treatment that they do not oversee: “You have no control over what happens next.” he warns.

    As soon as we touch the teeth, a diagnosis and a follow-up are necessary

    Consulted by Doctissimo, Dr Jérémy Amzalag, dentist and member of our committee of experts, confirms that this trend is also gaining ground in France. However, giving in to the ease of a simply online device exposes patients to several risks:

    Already, before any creation of gutters, a diagnosis must be made beforehand, by an orthodontist in order to know what treatment is possible, on a case-by-case basis. In particular, it is essential to take stock of oral problems, such as the presence of cavities, or weaknesses that can impact the gums. Orthodontic treatment on a person who has fragile gums has every chance of causing these weaknesses to flare up and weaken the teeth, or even promote their loss.”

    A diagnosis that is not made or flown over on the internet. Another important data for the dentist: the follow-up, which, in an orthodontic treatment must be reactive:

    “From the impression stage, software then sends a series of gutters to the patient, which he will wear over periods of 2 weeks to gradually move the teeth. But it may not go exactly as planned! A follow-up in the office is important to make the necessary modifications. So yes, the online price is lower, but the follow-up is almost non-existent.

    Finally, in those sites that offer a quick fix, Dr. Amzalag claims that finishes aren’t enough either:

    “Once the treatment is finished, a restraint must be made, either by night gutters or by a metal arch. But at a distance, this restraint is not done and the major risk is recurrence” he concludes.

    Diagnosis, follow-up and good finish… So many reasons that should encourage you to go through a professional if you want to obtain a smile that is both beautiful and lasting.
