Tag: Share
Sony won’t share PS6 details with Activision
If Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision does happen, Sony will not share details of its next game console, PS6, with the company. Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard acquisition isn’t just based on CoD…
Tamburi, treasury shares at 9.5% of the share capital
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Drums Investment Partners as part of the authorization to purchase treasury shares, he communicated that he has purchasedfrom 19 to 23 June 2023, overall 34,318 ordinary…
“We will not share PlayStation 6 information if the purchase is made”
Sony said very clearly. Company, “We will not share PlayStation 6 information if Microsoft acquires Activision Blizzard” said. Microsoft, As competitive reviews continue Activision Blizzard He still hasn’t fully completed…
CIR, weekly summary on the share buy-back
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – CIRas part of the treasury share buyback plan, announced that it has purchasedfrom 12 to 16 June 2023, overall 518,529 shares at the average unit price…
Latest news – New government ready in Finland – parties share ministerial positions
New government ready in Finland – parties share ministerial posts During Thursday evening, Prime Minister-elect Petteri Orpo from the Samlingspartiet announced that the government negotiations had ended. Today, it was…
d’Amico, green light to share grouping
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – D’Amico International Shippinga company active in maritime transport and listed on Euronext STAR Milan, will launch on 19 June 2023 a treasury share buyback program authorized…
Campari, information on share buy-back
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Campariwithin the current authorization for the purchase of treasury shares to be used to service the incentive plans based on financial instruments, announced that it had…
Prysmian, at the end of the “sell to cover” the leadership team will have over 2% of the share capital
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Prysmiana company listed on Euronext Milan and active in the cable systems sector for energy and telecommunications, announced that starting yesterday the CEO Valerio Battista and…
Talea, right of withdrawal exercised by 4.1% of the share capital
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Cuttinga company listed on Euronext Growth Milan born from the rebranding of Farmaè, communicated that the right of withdrawal was exercised out of a total of…