Tag: Raab
Come back, Stefan Raab – but please leave TV Total in the past
If you look at the first episode of TV Total from 1999, then that was a completely different worldTelevision was extremely important and reality TV had only just become established.…
ProSieben is bringing back Stefan Raab classics for a very special reason and these are the stars
When it comes to football, Germany is in a serious crisis – the national team has not exactly been able to shine with tournament victories in recent years. Fortunately, there…
Stefan Raab is really returning after almost 10 years and it will really hurt
Nine years ago, Stefan Raab officially said goodbye to his work in front of the camera. Since then, there have been repeated rumors about a possible comeback for the entertainer,…
Is the Stefan Raab sensation coming? TV total legend returns in video and teases comeback after almost 10 years
Is Stefan Raab slowly having enough of his TV pension? In 2015, the entertainer said goodbye to his cult show TV totally and since then has only worked behind the…
RTL is bringing back the next Stefan Raab show this evening – and the original presenter is there again
Stefan Raab is currently experiencing a TV renaissance, although he himself cannot be seen in front of the camera. After diving The quiz format Shame or Cash returns on RTL…
Twitch: Trymacs wanted to play ice football, Stefan Raab prevented the project
The German Twitch streamer Trymacs had planned a big event for December with “Kick auf Eis”. But now he has to change the event because Stefan Raab and his company…
Stefan Raab kills the streamer event and raises hopes that the show will return
Recently, one Stefan Raab show format after the other has been making a comeback. In addition to TV total, new editions of the Wok World Cup and Schlag denBesten returned…
The better hit the Raab replacement returns to ProSieben
Everything returns, except Stefan Raab himself. Anyone tuning in to ProSieben in the coming weeks and months will think they are in 2011. TV Total has been running again for…
ProSieben is bringing back one of the best Raab shows after 8 years – it only ran 4 times on TV
For six years, the show was part of the regular program when a major football tournament took place. In 2008, Stefan Raab invented the Autoball European Championship and World Championship.…