The better hit the Raab replacement returns to ProSieben

The better hit the Raab replacement returns to ProSieben

Everything returns, except Stefan Raab himself. Anyone tuning in to ProSieben in the coming weeks and months will think they are in 2011. TV Total has been running again for a year, this week the Wok World Cup is celebrating its comeback and in mid-December the Autoball World Cup is coming. Since Raab’s retirement in 2015, Schlag den Star, a spin-off of the mega-success Schlag den Raab, has also been a hit. As Wunschliste reports, ProSieben is reviving another replacement show for the TV duel.

The better hit the Raab replacement returns to ProSieben

Do you remember Beat the Best? The “Schlag den…” variant is surprisingly continued after a break of almost 3 years. It differs from the “Star” variant in one decisive detail: Here, two normalos fight each other in sports competitions, games of skill and quizzes for 50,000 euros.

So there is much more at stake than when Lena Meyer-Landrut and Lena Gercke fight a duel. It’s all about honor, while Thomas Meier from Wuppertal can herald a new chapter in his life with 50,000 euros. This height of fall was one of the great attractions of the Raab original.

How does Beat the Best work and when are the first episodes coming?

If a participant won the duel, he or she competed again in the next episode – and the win was doubled. An actually irresistible, emotional modewhich was carried out for the last time on February 25, 2020.

It is not yet clear whether ProSieben will resume the old rules. Only the records of two editions are confirmed. Whether the series will be broadcast permanently also depends on the success of the two episodes. In the end, the show was only discontinued because the rates were declining.

The two Schlagen den Beste episodes will be recorded on December 2nd and 5th, 2022. You can expect the broadcast in late winter or early spring of 2023.

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