Tag: quater
Scrapping quater, next installment expiring: the date
(Finance) – New deadline arriving for taxpayers which are in compliance with the previous payments of the scrapping-quater. The date to be marked in red on the calendar is the…
Quater scrapping, last call today
(Finance) – Last call for the scrapping-quater. Today, Wednesday 5 June, is the last day to pay the fourth installment of the facilitated definition of the bills, in consideration of…
Fisco, Albano (Mef): 6.8 billion quater from scrapping
(Finance) – The undersecretary of the Mef, Lucia Albanodeclared that the receipts from quater scrapping in 2023 amount to 6.8 billion euros, of which 6.5 billion refer to the payment…
Quater scrapping, second installment deadline: the date
(Finance) – The second deadline is approaching scrapping-quater cwhich affects taxpayers who have signed up. The date to mark in red on the calendar is November 30th that is, when…
Taxman, more time for Quater Scrapping: the new date
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Good news for taxpayers who want to make peace with the tax authorities who will have two more months to submit declarations of adhesion to the…
Taxman, scrapping quater: questions at the start
(Ticker) – Countdown to the start for submitting applications of Facilitated definition of folders. The deadline is set at 30 April 2023. This was announced by the Revenue Agency, explaining…
Aid Quater Decree, Anief: “Bad signal for schools”
(Finance) – “It was published in the Official Gazette the Quater Aid Decree, definitively approved by the Chamber on 12 January, however, without the attention that the school expected”. This…
Dl Aiuti quater: Citizens (Aiop): “Even the current government penalizes health care: 30% of treatments at risk”
(Finance) – “The serious and unacceptable lack of interest in healthcare has once again been confirmed by politics and by those in the government”. So Barbara Cittadini, President of Aiop,…
Dl Aiuti quater: the rule on raising the cap on cash disappears
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – It was removed from the Aiuti quater decreeapproved by the Council of Ministers a week ago, one of the most controversial and debated provisions of the…
Dl Aid quater, green light from the Council of Ministers to measures worth 9.1 billion
(Finance) – The Council of Ministers at Palazzo Chigi ended after about two and a half hours which, on the proposal of the Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgettigave the green light…