Aid Quater Decree, Anief: “Bad signal for schools”

Aid Quater Decree Anief Bad signal for schools

(Finance) – “It was published in the Official Gazette the Quater Aid Decree, definitively approved by the Chamber on 12 January, however, without the attention that the school expected”. This is what theAnief in a note.

“From the law – explains the Anief – comes only the coverage of the expenditure of 150 million euros for 2022 for short-term substitutes, in order to allow the timely payment of short-term supply contracts for school staff. A cover that is implemented, as Anief promptly said, with savings in 2022 on the so-called covid workforce (article 231-bis, paragraph 1, letter b, of the decree-law of 19 May 2020, n. 34). Furthermore, as established by the political agreement signed on 10 November between the Ministry and the trade union organizations in the education and research sector, article 14, paragraph 3 allocates additional 100 million euros for the year 2022 alone to supplement the contractual resources for the three-year period 2019-2021“. Therefore – continues the union – “the resources will be allocated to the fixed component of the ancillary salary of teaching and ATA staff, in particular 85.8 million euros are for teaching staff and 14.2 million euros for ATA staff” .

“We are faced with yet another neglect of the world of education – he says Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief – because depriving our schools of at least 40,000 teachers and ATAs, with all the commitments of the Pnrr that are arriving, is an incomprehensible act: how will we digitize the educational offer, fight school dropout, improve orientation and improve the construction and safety of school buildings if we take away human resources instead of adding them? Instead of following what Anief asked, even with a change to the Milleproroghe decree, reinstating the 55,000 teachers and ATAs hired for two years and now abandoned to their fate, the opposite was decided. As regards, however, the 100 million to complete the resources of the 2019-21 contract renewal, it must be said that they are a duty; only that to that money Parliament had to add many more, also for the next contract, starting from 2022, instead – concludes Pacifico – nothing has arrived and this is another very bad sign”.

“The amendments produced by Anief to improve the decree law 176 Aid quater and respond to school emergencies were various – recalls the union”. The union had entered the need to find resources for renew the 2022-24 contract giving staff the promised raises and enhancing their performance, additional staff of at least 40,000 teachers and ATAs, to insert in ranking all the participants in the Extraordinary competition bis, to ban a course-competitions for school leaders, to confirm all the school workers who successfully completed the trial year and were then defenestrated, starting with teachers with a master’s degree.
