Tag: publishes
OpenAI publishes special ChatGPT information for teachers
artificial intelligence company OpenAIimportant for teachers today ChatGPT gave information. The company wants the system to be used correctly in education. ChatGPT every day to keep the system working. 700…
Jul publishes “When does it go out?” : a 28th album and his debut as a committed rapper?
JUL. The Marseille rapper Jul publishes, this Friday, June 9, his 28th album, called “C’est quand qu’il s’extinction.” Jul who talks about politics in his texts and tackles the government,…
Mozambique: TotalEnergies publishes its report on the situation in Cabo Delgado
One of the three conditions set by TotalEnergies for the restart of its activities in Cabo Delgado, activities suspended since 2021 due to security problems, has just been fulfilled. The…
Covid-19 in France: the government publishes the decree lifting the vaccination obligation for caregivers
In France, the obligation to vaccinate caregivers against Covid-19 has been lifted. The government issued a decree to this effect this Sunday, May 14. It is therefore the end of…
Digital Value publishes information prospectus for uplisting on Euronext Milan
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – digital valuea company listed on Euronext Growth Milan and active in the sector of IT solutions and services, communicated that they have been filed with CONSOBas…
Chad: the LTDH publishes its report on the repression of the demonstrations of October 20, 2022
Six months after the violent repression of the October 20 demonstrations, the Chadian League for Human Rights and the World Organization Against Torture published their report on the events on…
Def, the MEF publishes the text. Giorgetti: realistic to aim higher on growth, review the house bonuses
(Finance) – The Ministry of Economy published the text of Document of economics and finance (Def), approved by the government and sent to the Chambers. Minister Giorgetti, in the introduction…
Covid management: required by law, the Ministry of Health finally publishes its report
News Published on 04/07/2023 at 3:56 p.m. Updated 04/07/2023 at 3:56 p.m. Reading 3 mins. in collaboration with Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director) According to information from Le Parisien, the…
Nature & Culture publishes the Alma prize winner
In May, the debut novel “Säg something”, which was published by Rabén & Sjögren at the turn of the millennium, will be reissued. Next comes a Swedish translation of “Wintergirls”,…
Climate: the IPCC publishes its “survival guide” for humanity
News Published on 03/22/2023 at 1:46 p.m. Updated 03/22/2023 at 1:46 p.m. Reading 3 mins. The synthesis of nine years of IPCC work on the climate sounds like a stark…