Nature & Culture publishes the Alma prize winner

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

In May, the debut novel “Säg something”, which was published by Rabén & Sjögren at the turn of the millennium, will be reissued. Next comes a Swedish translation of “Wintergirls”, which deals with the subject of eating disorders.

The small publisher Lavender Lit was the last to publish a book by Laurie Halse Anderson in Swedish, “Shards of memories”, in 2015, but now it will be Nature & Culture taking over the baton.

On March 7, it was announced that Laurie Halse Anderson had been awarded the Alma prize in Astrid Lindgren’s memory. The American author will come to Sweden for the award ceremony at the Konserthuset in Stockholm on May 2.

Halse Anderson often writes about dark topics such as sexual abuse, addiction, and trauma, and her books have been placed on the “banned books” list in some US states, meaning they are banned from schools and not purchased by libraries.
