Tag: poison
We brew poison, not tea! Causes cancer
Tea is the most consumed beverage in our country after water. Black tea, which has antioxidant properties, has many benefits on human health. Tea, which is the first beverage that…
Everyone does it but you should never do it! It has a toxic effect when consumed together.
It’s not a good idea to mix fast and slow digesting ingredients; because when the other is fully digested, the lighter materials will pass through the gut as is. This…
Food fraudsters have now seized the date: Don’t eat poison because of dates! If it has a white spot on it…
Although dates are the favorite food of all seasons with their health benefits, they have a special place in Ramadan. Dates become one of the indispensable parts of traditional iftar…
Watch out for beans, watermelon, potatoes and tomatoes! Toxic inside and out: It carries a huge risk
Stating that pesticides pose a significant risk for breast cancer, Assoc. Dr. Fatma Ümit Malya, “Although it is thought that agricultural workers are exposed to more pesticides, in fact, all…
Few people know its benefits! Cleanses the poison in the blood
It filters the necessary nutrients and hormones through the tissues. While transmitting, it transmits the waste materials to organs such as lungs, liver and kidneys to expel. For this reason,…
It removes the poison in the body overnight, burns calories like a jet… Rejuvenate from head to toe with a foot detox recipe.
Foot detox is a treatment method for removing harmful toxins from the body. This method, which is also used by beauticians to make the feet more well-groomed, can be done…
Canan Karatay spoke clearly: There is no skin, it is poison inside and out.
Prof. who fought against sugar at every opportunity he could find. Dr. Canan Karatay said that this food is almost poison. Emphasizing that sugar destroys the liver, Canan Karatay said:…
It’s not meat, it’s a chemical bomb! It emits poison
It is a fact that people of all ages know that processed meat and its derivatives are unhealthy. These processed meats, which are packaged by salting, smoking, drying or canning,…
Don’t even try to put it in your mouth! It emits poison
Inflammation (inflammation) can be good or bad depending on the situation. It helps as your body’s natural way of protecting itself when you’re injured or sick. It can help your…
It’s almost poison in every house! Increases risk of death
Almost everything we eat contains varying amounts of salt. Foods such as vegetables, fruit, and meat naturally contain small amounts of salt. Salt is also used as a flavoring and…