Tag: plays
Rambo star Sylvester Stallone plays superhero, but we’ve never seen him like this
In James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad, Sylvester Stallone recently played a larger superhero role – as the bizarre shark-human hybrid King Shark. From tomorrow he will be clearly more recognizable…
Tarantino favorite Christoph Waltz plays bounty hunters again after Django Unchained and gets grandiose opponents
For his role as the warm-hearted but cold-blooded bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz in Django Unchained, Christoph Waltz was awarded his second Oscar. 10 years after the Quentin Tarantino film…
The United Kingdom plays with fire
While the British press announces a possible sending of troops to Ukraine, Moscow makes it known that if the United Kingdom goes to war against Russia, London will be bombed.…
Horror star plays the new Caesar in the next Planet of the Apes
With Planet of the Apes: Prevolution became the decades-old sci-fi series restarted successfully. The result was a trilogy that also trumped at the box office with the sequels Planet of…
Small and tiny Kosken Kaiku plays a significant role in the background of the Finns’ European success in Munich – “Magic on”
Kristiina Mäkelä’s coach from Tuomas Sall and Wilma Murro’s coach from Jarno Koivu are united not only by the prestigious medal of the coaches but also by a small and…
Swedish plays a role in "Game of thrones"-series
Nanna Blondell plays Laena Velaryon as the daughter of Steve Toussaint’s character Lord Corlys Velaryon. “I am so incredibly happy and proud to be part of this series and I…
Lisette plays a heroic role and extinguishes a fire in a shed in Baarn primary school: ‘No more than normal’
De Baarnse knew she had to act immediately, because the fire would only spread faster because of the drought. “It is very dry there, there is tree bark, there is…
Visiting Taiwan, Nancy Pelosi plays appeasement, China shows the muscles
Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday. A visit seen with a very bad eye by China, which claims this democratic archipelago of…
Avengers 2: which actor plays Ultron?
AVENGERS AGE OF ULTRON. The second episode of The Avengers introduces the antagonist Ultron. But which actor is hiding behind this robot with artificial intelligence? TF1 Sunday July 31 at…
The coach of Harri Heliövaara, who plays tennis all his life, believes that the Finn is just getting up to speed: “big wins are still possible”
Heliövaara has benefited from the backing of his British partner Lloyd Glasspool. The Finnish-British pair is clearly younger than the average doubles top pair. A Finnish-British couple Harri Heliövaara–Lloyd Glasspool…