Rambo star Sylvester Stallone plays superhero, but we’ve never seen him like this

Rambo star Sylvester Stallone plays superhero but weve never seen

In James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad, Sylvester Stallone recently played a larger superhero role – as the bizarre shark-human hybrid King Shark. From tomorrow he will be clearly more recognizable as a human in his new superhero role. Samaritan streams direct to Amazon Prime.

Watch a German trailer for Samaritan here:

Samaritan – Trailer (German) HD

Stallone’s new superhero film seems like a mix of Logan and Unbreakable

Samaritan is about 13-year-old Sam Cleary (Javon ‘Wanna’ Walton) who suspects a mysterious neighbor of a hides a big secret. He’s right: Mr. Smith, played by Stallone, is actually a retired superhero.

Many years ago he was as the Samaritans of Granite City known until he is said not to have survived a fight against his archenemy. Sam now wants to help the failed superhero back on his feet. The first scenes from the Samaritan trailer are reminiscent of one rather calm, grounded superhero tone à la Unbreakable or wistful genre swan songs like Logan – The Wolverine.

Fans should also have a whole new side of Stallone get to see. According to Comic Book Resources, Samaritan director Julius Avery says:

In real life, he’s an outgoing prankster. He’s got this really wicked sense of humor. And I think a lot of that will be reflected in this character that he plays in our film. He is not monosyllabic! It’s a character from Sly that we’ve never seen before.

You’ll soon be able to see Stallone’s latest superhero role for yourself. Samaritan is from now on Available for streaming on Amazon Prime.

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In the latest edition of our podcast Streamgegefuehl we take a look back at the streaming films of the year so far. Netflix, Disney+ and Co. have outbid each other with elaborate productions. But which of the films are really successful? In the podcast we talk about our top 10 best streaming movies of 2022.

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Are you looking forward to Samaritan with Sylvester Stallone?
