Tarantino favorite Christoph Waltz plays bounty hunters again after Django Unchained and gets grandiose opponents

Tarantino favorite Christoph Waltz plays bounty hunters again after Django

For his role as the warm-hearted but cold-blooded bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz in Django Unchained, Christoph Waltz was awarded his second Oscar. 10 years after the Quentin Tarantino film (Yes, it really was that long ago) he’s back in a Western directed by a genre expert. Dead for a Dollar is the title of the snappy strip that will premiere at the upcoming Venice Film Festival. Here you can find out what awaits you in Walter Hill’s new film (Only 48 Hours).

In Dead for a Dollar, Christoph Waltz has an excellent opponent

Waltz stars as Max Borlund, a bounty hunter who is given a new assignment in the American west of 1897: he must rescue Rachel Kidd (Rachel Brosnahan from The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel), a wealthy businessman’s kidnapped wife. On the way to the Mexican border, Borlund not only learns that the kidnapping has a different background than he was initially led to believe. He also meets his intimate enemy, Joe Cribbens (Willem Dafoe), an outlaw and gambler whom Borlund jailed years ago.

Exactly: Christoph Waltz and Willem Dafoe will meet in the film and even if it’s unclear whether that’s really allowed by law (couldn’t that herald Armageddon?), it can be Anticipation of the meeting of acting eccentrics hardly conceal.

Here you can see a first picture from Dead for a Dollar:

© Polaris Pictures

Dead for a dollar

And via Collider there is the poster for the film, which mainly shows how many Photoshop effects are necessary to transform a still image into a film poster:

© Polaris Pictures

Dead for a dollar

When is the Western coming to Germany?

Dead for a Dollar has not yet been released in German cinemas. But Moviepilot is at the Venice Film Festival and we will report here and on Instagram what the film has to offer.

Walter Hill’s first directorial effort since The Assignment (2016) is based on a screenplay by Hill and Matt Harris (The Bird). Hill, who once said of himself that every one of his films is a western, knows the genre inside out and also left behind at the best serial westerns his mark: as director of the opening act of Deadwood.

By the way, he described the secret of a good Western as follows: “Find an Old Testament story. Do it with elegance and simplicity. And most importantly, fill it with characters who refuse to feel sorry for themselves.”

The coming weeks will show whether this applies to Dead for a Dollar.
