Tag: nutrition
Which foods to favor to have beautiful skin?
Can our diet help to have beautiful skin? The skin needs many vitamins (A, C, D, E …) and a balanced diet in proteins, iron or essential fatty acids to…
How to prepare Raphaël Haumont’s Rubik’s fruits?
Prepare six bowls Bowl 1: coconut milk + 1 or 2 tablespoons of sugar if necessary. Bowl 2: juice Strawberry + 2 or 3 fresh strawberries cut into small pieces.…
Expired foods that can still be eaten
In France, the Ministry of Agriculture estimates that more than one million tonnes of food is still consumable thrown away each year. Part of this waste could be avoided if…
Covid: Can the healing process be accelerated by nutrition?
Nutritionists say food and drink play an important role in the recovery of Covid-19 patients. In Covid, as in other infections, the body needs more energy and fluid than normal,…
Pumpkin puree with curry, green beans, emmental cheese by Thomas Clouet
We put what we want in a bo (w) l: proteins (vegetable, animal), starches, cheese, salad, fruit … raw, cooked, salty, sweet , respect the portions and indulge yourself! Jean-Michel…
What nutritional contributions with global warming? by Dr Cocaul
For the 20 years of Futura, the editorial staff gives the floor to our experts and sponsors. Today, Dr. Cocaul explains to us how to compensate our nutritional intake in…
10 food waste you never thought to reuse
Each year, we throw away an average of 30 kilograms of food per year. Peelings of vegetables, cores, cooking water or olive pits: this food waste can find an unexpected…
How to feed your microbiota?
You are probably aware of microorganisms lining your gut, especially in your colon. You keep hearing about the gut microbiota and you want to know how to take care of…
Cereal: millet and sorghum, millet
the millet designates several cash of grasses, the seeds of which are very small, cultivated in the dry regions of the Globe, such as Asia and Africa. This cereal is…
Smoked tofu risotto with pumpkin
the pumpkin is a variety of pumpkin that is harvested between September and November. The flavor of this squash is soft and reminiscent of that of the chestnut. This vegetable…