Tag: Giorgetti
MiSE, Giorgetti signs decrees on strengthening development contracts
(Finance) – Strengthen the lines of action of development contracts to support business investments throughout the country and industrial projects which, through the electrification of production processes and the use…
Telemarketing, Giorgetti: “Already 1.2 million registered in the opposition register”
(Finance) – “It is with particular satisfaction that I welcomed the registration data in the register of oppositions: 1 million and 200 thousand adhesions from the day of its entry…
PNRR, Giorgetti: in these hours there is no collective inspiration
(Finance) – “In these hours we cannot register the collective inspiration that was desirable” to carry on the objectives of the PNRR. This was stated by the Minister for Economic…
The EU Commissioner for Labor in Rome, meeting with Ministers Giorgetti and Brunetta
(Finance) – The impact of digital transition and ecological on the world of work, in particular in the sector ofautomotiveinvestments in the development of highly specialized professional skills and the…
Dpcm auto, Giorgetti: hopefully agreement within the week
(Finance) – “Hopefully within the week” an agreement will be found for the approval of the DPCM in support of the sector automotive. This was stated by the Minister of…
PNRR, Giorgetti: “Goals at risk to worsen international scenarios”
(Finance) – “The worsening of international scenarios could jeopardize the achievement of some objectives included in the NRP”. The said Minister of Economic Development, Giancarlo Giorgetti, during hearing in the…