Gas at a new record. Giorgetti: “EU allows price cap or budget variance”

PNRR Giorgetti in these hours there is no collective inspiration

(Finance) – The escalation of energy prices risks “put the whole system in trouble” and block the “impetuous and extremely positive recovery” recorded during the exit from the pandemic. Like this Giancarlo Giorgettiowner of the MISE, who spoke at the Rimini Meeting.

About the Russiathe Minister said “it seemed to me from the start unavoidable that with the sanctions we entered a phase of economic warfare with Russia “.

About the energy price formation mechanismsthe owner of the MISE underlined “we could not fail to evaluate, I tell Europe, what would have been consequences in our economic system of some rules that we have given ourselves in the past and that today they are counterproductive“, in particular” the European rules that Italy has questioned on the price cap and on decoupling the price of energy from that of gas “.

“If Europe does not understand that it has to change those two rules, it is Russia’s game”Giorgetti affirmed, concluding “if these rules cannot be changed, because some countries are opposed, we cannot avoid raise the issue of budget variance“, which would make it possible” to help families and businesses overcome what is likely to be a deadly passage in September-October “.

Just today, the gas price has reached in closing exchanges a new historical record of € 321.4 per Mwhup 10%, ahead of Nord Stream’s three-day scheduled closure.
