Telemarketing, Giorgetti: “Already 1.2 million registered in the opposition register”

PNRR Giorgetti Goals at risk to worsen international scenarios

(Finance) – “It is with particular satisfaction that I welcomed the registration data in the register of oppositions: 1 million and 200 thousand adhesions from the day of its entry into force, last July 27”. This is what the Minister of Economic Development Giancarlo Giorgetti commenting on the latest registration data for the opposition register.

“When I announced the measure, at the end of January this year, – he continued Giorgetti – I said that the phenomenon of advertising calls without consent was unacceptable and had to stop. For this I was promoter and signed, in his time, the norm. Thanks to this simple tool, finally applicable also to mobile phones, we can all free ourselves from the harassing phone calls of the so-called wild telemarketing at all hours with a simple registration. The new rules apply to all call centers operating in Italy, including those working from foreign countries. Of course it is one instrument that will be monitored and will have to be flexible to any new needs always for the protection of the consumer but also of honest operators who respect the rules. I hope, also for this reason, that the green light of the Court of Auditors will arrive as soon as possible for the new decree on tariffs that will be lower than the previous ones. A sign of goodwill on the part of this ministry in support of companies in the sector. After the summer there will also be an important information campaign with the aim of reaching the vast majority of citizens who must be properly informed about this norm of civilization “.

Currently as evidenced by several experts the Registry still presents several critical issues. “The protection system – he explained, on the occasion of the opening of the Registry, Eugenio Prosperetti, technology and privacy expert lawyer and LUISS professor of legal informatics – must be completed with the Telemarketing Code of Conduct, currently in public consultation by the main trade associations, but also, as proposed by the telemarketing trade associations, with a serious technical intervention that prevents calls with false numbers from reaching the user”.
