Tag: Fisco
Google pays 326 million to Italian Fisco: Prosecutor asks for storage
(Finance) – Google pays almost 326 million euros to the Italian tax authorities And he closes a tax dispute that was opened since the mid -2023 archiving on the criminal…
FISCO, Salvini: “On scrapping intended account of the whole majority”
(Finance) – “The composition was useful but not decisive”. This is what he said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport Matteo Salvini at the press conference for the presentation…
Fisco, the League presents the bill on new scrapping in the Chamber and Senate
(Finance) – La Alloy presented one bill on the scrapping from the fiscal folders in 120 installmentswithout interests and penalties. The proposal – presented both to Room that al Senate…
Fisco, De Lise (Aiecc): “The tax transaction admitted in the negotiated settlement”
(Finance) – “The start tax transaction within the negotiated settlement, with the possibility of eliminate tax and social security debt”. This is what he underlines Matteo DeLisepresident ofAie etc (Italian…
Fisco, Leo (Mef): “Turnaround for professional activities”
(Finance) – “With the tax reform we want to lend a helping hand to honest taxpayers, those who intend to pay but have financial difficulties. Hence the idea of lowering…
Fisco, Albano (Mef): 6.8 billion quater from scrapping
(Finance) – The undersecretary of the Mef, Lucia Albanodeclared that the receipts from quater scrapping in 2023 amount to 6.8 billion euros, of which 6.5 billion refer to the payment…
Fisco, Cuchel (accountants): “Government extends extension to the whole national territory”
(Finance) – The extension of tax deadlines granted by the Government to areas affected by bad weather should be extended to the whole country. “With the government’s choice to grant…
Fisco, Revenue Agency: pre-compiled VAT declaration on the way
(Finance) – After the 730 pre-filledthe pre-compiled VAT return is already available for employees and retirees starting todaywhich will allow 2.4 million businesses and professionals to view and download your…
Fisco, 5 per thousand to ENEA to save masterpieces of art with innovative bio-restoration techniques
(Finance) – To save works of art from decay heritage cultural such as precious marbles, paintings and frescoes thanks to the development of innovative techniques of bio-restoration. This year with…
Fisco, de Nuccio: “Accountants await clarification on rejected building bonus applications”
(Finance) – The Superbonus 110% and the credit transfer institution creates new difficulties for accountantswho ask the Revenue Agency for comfort on the possibility of solve telematic difficulties (and not)…