Fisco, Leo (Mef): “Turnaround for professional activities”

Fisco Leo Mef Turnaround for professional activities

(Finance) – “With the tax reform we want to lend a helping hand to honest taxpayers, those who intend to pay but have financial difficulties. Hence the idea of ​​lowering the penalties and giving the possibility of further installment payments. And the other two interventions being examined by Parliament, sanctions and collection, also go in the same direction”. The Deputy Minister of Economy said this, Maurizio Leoduring the conference “The tax reform: presentation of the consolidated texts”, promoted by the Odcec Accountants Foundation of Milan, chaired by Luigi Pagliuca, in collaboration with the Foundations of chartered accountants and accounting experts of Florence, Naples, Turin and Rome.
“The single texts are an important turning point, because they bring together all the fiscal and economic legislation in an organic and linear way. An important work carried out byRevenue Agency – explained Leo – with 50 officials who dedicated themselves to it full time. They are single compilation texts, which we leave to the considerations of professionals in the coming months: all suggestions will be welcomed. The novelty is that in this way we change the materials on which the activity of professionals is based”.

Second Ernesto Maria Ruffinidirector of the Revenue Agency, “the consolidated texts of the Revenue Agency in matter tax they are a finally simple regulatory reference, in which tax breaks are also organised. There regulatory stratification which has followed one another over the years has created a labyrinth, a regulatory jungle that makes it difficult to know the perimeter of the game and the rules of engagement, or offers the possibility for less loyal taxpayers to hide. Organizing the rules is therefore a first step of great importance: having managed to systematize three thousand articles of law and 7-800 provisions regulations in 9 consolidated texts available to taxpayers is a turning point. A way to also guarantee the principle of equality, giving taxpayers the opportunity to know the perimeter of the Italian tax system. These are texts which, among other things, we will update as the government approves new laws.

From this year – added Ruffini – there will also be a linear and further simplified model of the tax declaration. For professionals it will be like having a practitioner in the studio filling out a pre-work. The objective is to continue this collaboration between interested parties.”

Opening of the works Luigi Pagliuca highlighted that “the vision of the relationship with the Revenue Agency is finally on the right track, the hope is to work to achieve total synergy. It should be underlined that there is a new relationship of great collaboration with national and local institutions – underlined the president of the Foundation of Accountants of Milan. With this focus in Milan, the start of a common path between the Odcec Foundations of the territory is sanctioned, which roll up their sleeves with the aim of working on the development of an increasingly modern professional category that is in step with the times”.

For Vincenzo Moretta (number one of the Odcec Foundation of Naples), “the synergy between the Foundations is important in order to underline the needs of professionals. The progress can be seen, especially in the relationship with the financial administration.” “Tax reform benefits the entire economic system – he said Andrea Borghinipresident of the Telos Fondazione Centro Studi Odcec Roma, which today is complex in many of its aspects.

In particular, the consolidated texts could help simplify the tax and professional fields, finally making the work of accountants easier”. Enrico Terzanipresident of Odcec Florence, recalled how “the tax reform comes after decades of waiting: the hope is that now the consolidated texts can contribute to regulating this sector”, while Roberto Frascinelli (president of the Piero Piccatti and Aldo Milanese Foundation of ‘Odcec Turin), argued that “the role of accountants in this economic and fiscal phase is very important, we are ambassadors in the cultural evolution of companies”.
