Fisco, Revenue Agency: pre-compiled VAT declaration on the way

Fisco Revenue Agency pre compiled VAT declaration on the way

(Finance) – After the 730 pre-filledthe pre-compiled VAT return is already available for employees and retirees starting todaywhich will allow 2.4 million businesses and professionals to view and download your form with the data relating to the 2022 tax year entered directly by the Revenue Agency.

From the February 15, explains the Agency, it will then be possible to modify, integrate and send it. The new function, available in the “Invoices and payments” portal, also allows you to calculate and pay the tax and possibly send a corrective or supplementary declaration. You can also import them into your own management systems the pre-compiled data, in order to be able to compare them with those contained in their own databases.

The annual declaration is added to the other pre-filled documents for the VAT numbers and made available from the second half of 2021, such as the registers and communications of periodic liquidations. With the creation of the pre-compiled VAT, the Revenue Agency 2 contributes to the achievement of the objective set by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan to simplify the obligations of companies and professionals, whose deadline is set for the month of June 2023.

“The introduction of this new service – says the director of the Revenue Agency, Ernesto Maria Ruffini – it is a concrete support that the Agency makes available to a significant audience of the economic and productive fabric, with a view to transparency and collaboration. A simpler tax system that works better it is an investment not only for the country system but also for the next generations”.
