Tag: Evil
The struggle between good and evil awakened the Swedes
Published: Less than 10 min ago full screen Collection of supplies for Ukraine in Sankta Eugenia church in Stockholm in February 2022. Stock image. Photo: Paul Wennerholm/TT The war in…
The struggle between good and evil awakened the Swedes
Facts: The involvement in Ukraine After the outbreak of war, the percentage of Swedes who say they have given a gift increased to the highest levels in ten years, according…
His AI friend will save him when evil robots take over the earth
A user has discovered an AI for himself. He is certain: If there should be a robot apocalypse, it will save him. An anonymous person had met his AI friend…
Resident Evil: Death Island announced
Resident Evil: Death Island, featuring characters such as Leon S. Kennedy and Chris Redfield, was announced with its first video. From time to time, we come across CGI films where…
Resident Evil 4 Remake New Gameplay Video Released!
Today, the game world is quite self-developing, we all know the names of some games in this world where there are all kinds of games. In today’s article, we will…
Resident Evil 4 Remake: Capcom’s over-ambitious project
One of the most cult episodes of the Resident Evil series is given new life with the release of Resident Evil 4 Remake. A new chapter that will be clearly…
In the worst Resident Evil movie, Janitor Krause star Tom Gerhardt even makes an appearance
With the Resident Evil movies, Paul WS Anderson has his very own form of video game adaptation created, some of which only casually adhere to the template. Rather, the director…
From Scream 6 to Evil Dead
After the horror films of 2022, the film year 2023 also promises to bring out a lot of horror and gore that will disturb and frighten us and be wonderfully…
First trailer for Evil Dead Rise promises weeks of nightmares and demons
Horror fans can look forward to the return of some popular horror franchises in the new cinema year 2023. In addition to Scream 6, Insidious 5 and Saw 10, a…
“Now this was such a necessary evil”
Iivo Niskanen, who recovered from corona, opened his World Cup season with the Tour de Ski, freestyle sprint qualifying. He plans to turn on the blinker for Sunday’s pursuit. Anu…