Tag: cancelled
Sports canteen vv Hoogland destroyed after fire, matches cancelled
The fire brigade spent hours last night extinguishing a fire at Hoogland Football Club. The sports canteen of the football club is completely burned out. The association’s grounds are temporarily…
Cross-country skiing: Scandal at the Norwegian championships: Heidi Weng finished first but the competition was cancelled
Directly after the finish line, the race director approached Weng and explained that the race, the 2×10 km skiathlon, was canceled. – It doesn’t matter to me and I had…
All departures with Arlanda express are cancelled
Arlanda express writes on its website that the trains are canceled due to technical problems. According to the Swedish Transport Administration, there are also several delays and canceled departures in…
Duels Spakenburg, GVVV, Kampong, LRC Leerdam and Hoogland – DHSC cancelled
SaturdaySecond division15.00 Rijnsburgse Boys – Spakenburg Cancelled6 p.m. De Treffers – GVVV Cancelled Third division A2.30 pm Eemdijk – VVSB2.30 PM DOVO – DEM15.00 IJsselmeer birds – Staphorst Third division…
Duels Spakenburg, GVVV, LRC Leerdam and Hoogland – DHSC cancelled
SaturdaySecond division15.00 Rijnsburgse Boys – Spakenburg Cancelled6 p.m. De Treffers – GVVV Cancelled Third division A2.30 pm Eemdijk – VVSB2.30 PM DOVO – DEM15.00 IJsselmeer birds – Staphorst Third division…
Electric buses in Gästrikland cannot stand the cold – departures are cancelled
Transdev, which is the operator for regional traffic in Gästrikland, earlier in the winter put electric buses from Chinese BYD into operation for X-Trafik. However, the cold weather has made…
All trains between Kiruna and Luleå are cancelled
It is expected to be 35 degrees below zero in several places in the north and all trains between Luleå and Kiruna will be canceled tomorrow.– This is, among other…
SMHI warns of sudden icy conditions – buses are cancelled
A snowfall area has moved in over large parts of Götaland and western Svealand on the night of Thursday, writes SMHI on its website where it issued yellow warnings that…
A large number of departures with X2000 trains are cancelled
On Thursday evening, an X2000 train suffered a wheel damage between Stockholm and Gothenburg. The nine trains that are now stopped have the same type of wheels as the train…
Bandy WC 2024 is cancelled: “Didn’t I know”
Sweden and Åby hosted this year’s WC, both for women and for men. But next year there won’t be a world championship at all, according to a press release that…