Cross-country skiing: Scandal at the Norwegian championships: Heidi Weng finished first but the competition was cancelled

Directly after the finish line, the race director approached Weng and explained that the race, the 2×10 km skiathlon, was canceled.

– It doesn’t matter to me and I had a good training run. When I heard that the race was cancelled, I thought I had gone wrong, says Weng, who during the race was unsure of what was happening and was in contact with the race director.

– No, no you went right and I can only apologize for the race being cancelled, explains the teary-eyed race leader Torbjörn Pettersen at the finish line.

The Beitostölen scandal was hard to take in.

– It is so sad for everyone who is here and I really suffer. Something that shouldn’t happen has happened here. It’s so sad, says the legendary Therese Johaug who commented on the race for NRK.

Öyre Slind: “It will be a parody”

Astrid Öyre Slind was one of those who went wrong.

– It will be a parody and during the race I became unsure and did not know if I could pass the cones because I don’t want to be washed. It’s someone who hasn’t done their job and it’s so sad, says Astrid Öyre Slind.

It was after the ski change that about half of the field went on the skate part and had to go about 300 meters too far. The jury made the decision before the leader with Heidi Weng, who, like most of the leaders, rode correctly, reached the finish line.
