All trains between Kiruna and Luleå are cancelled

It is expected to be 35 degrees below zero in several places in the north and all trains between Luleå and Kiruna will be canceled tomorrow.
– This is, among other things, for the safety of the passengers, says Christer Berglund, press officer at Vy Tåg, which operates the route.

All trains between Luleå and Kiruna are canceled in both directions tomorrow.

– It is about extreme cold. At 35 degrees cold, you have passed the cold limit. It is, among other things, for the safety of the passengers and what the vehicles can handle, says Christer Berglund, press officer at Vy Tåg, which operates the route.

Vy Tåg is trying to find alternative travel routes for its passengers, but flags that even Wednesday’s train journeys may be cancelled.

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