Electric buses in Gästrikland cannot stand the cold – departures are cancelled

Electric buses in Gastrikland cannot stand the cold departures

Transdev, which is the operator for regional traffic in Gästrikland, earlier in the winter put electric buses from Chinese BYD into operation for X-Trafik.

However, the cold weather has made it difficult for the buses, and now around 50 departures are cancelled.

This is reported by Bussmagasinet.

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Problems from day one

Ever since the buses were put into use for the first time, there have been problems with the charging of the buses, which has led to the continuous cancellation of trips in the bus service.

A remaining problem is that the buses are not charged to full capacity, and therefore leave the depot with too low a charge rate. This leads to the buses having to be recharged more often than expected, which in turn leads to a shortage of buses.

To alleviate the problems, Transdev and X-Trafik have brought in buses that run on environmentally friendly HVO diesel, but there is still a shortage of vehicles.

– We understand that this causes problems for our customers, which we regret. There is feverish work going on to get everything working and we hope that the traffic will be able to run as planned within a few weeks, says Andreas Eriksson, manager of X-Trafik, to Bussmagasinet.

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Not the first mess with electric buses

A total of 52 brand new electric buses from Chinese BYD have been put into operation, which in the last quarter of 2023 was the manufacturer that built the most electric cars in the entire world.

Earlier in the winter, there were similar reports about electric buses in Norway.

Even then, it was about BYD buses, which were unable to fill all their routes in Oslo due to problems with charging.

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