Should we eliminate cheese in case of cholesterol?

When we notice a high level of cholesterol in a blood test, our first instinct is often to eliminate cheese. But is it a good idea? Our answers.

Your latest analyzes indicate to you a cholesterol level pupil. Before reforming your diet, ask your doctor for a breakdown of your assessment to find out what cholesterol we are talking about. Remember that there is good (HDL) and bad (LDL). In the latter case, it will indeed be necessary to hunt down the “bad fat”. In this category, we can include all processed products filled with saturated fats. We also spontaneously think of cheese. But as with eggs, it all depends on the quantity consumed.

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“Currently, the latest recommendations recommend not eliminating eggs, you can consume up to 6 per week. Fats of animal origin are mainly saturated fatty acids. Some of these saturated fatty acids, consumed in excess, can contribute to increasing the rate of bad cholesterol. This is why certain products are sometimes placed under surveillance in the event ofhypercholesterolemia. As for cheese, there is no need to completely deprive yourself of it… one part per day can be considered. Of course under the supervision of the doctor in case of very high cholesterol”, recommends Florence Foucaut, dietitian-nutritionist in Paris.

Prefer fresh cheeses to hard cheeses

In terms of quantity, we limit ourselves to 30 g for women and 40 g for men. Another criterion to take into account: the type of cheese. “Not all are equal in terms of nutritional intake and quantity of fat or saturated fat. Fresh cheeses richer in water should be preferred over hard cheeses,” continues the dietician.

Concretely, we can therefore consume 30 or 40 g of fresh goat cheese daily. It contains approximately 3.5 g of fat. Just like the cancoillotte. Camembert and mozzarella contain double the amount. On the other hand, we avoid Gruyère, Cantal, or Comté for example. And if in doubt, carefully read the labels on the packaging to find out if the coveted cheese remains within a reasonable range: namely between 3 and 6 g of fat per 30g.
