New Caledonia hits the campaign of the head of the Renaissance list

New Caledonia hits the campaign of the head of the

The violence in New Caledonia impacted the campaign of the presidential movement’s candidate in the European elections. Valérie Hayer had to adapt her agenda during the week: several trips with ministers were canceled and the candidate, who until now favored European themes, now addresses national subjects.

1 min

Hard to ” capture attention on Europe with hyper-strong news like the New Caledonia », notes an executive from the campaign Valerie Hayer. The movement of violence in the archipelago which monopolized the executive and the government this week also had the effect of accelerating a change in strategy for the candidate for EEuropeananalysis Valérie Gasfrom the RFI political service.

We must continue to talk about Europe, continues this framework of Valérie Hayer’s campaign, but we need to express ourselves more on national policy issues. »

Also listenRiots in New Caledonia: “The only thing that gives me hope is the presence of the State”

Bad polls

The implementation was immediate. In less than 24 hours, Valérie Hayer published a video to talk about the situation in New Caledonia and changed the theme twice for a trip planned for Friday first to Vernon, then to Nantes and finally to Rouen to participate, news obliges, a Republican rally in support of the Jewish community organized after the attempted fire of a city ​​synagogue Friday morning.

The polls are not good, Valérie Hayer is strugglingthen three weeks before the election, it is no longer possible to let the RN monopolize national issues.

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