Drugs, nudity and 9/11 – How the portal between New York and Dublin became a viral fiasco

On May 8, an art installation was unveiled with the aim of connecting New York and Dublin via a 24-hour live camera. The project involved two large circular screens, one in downtown Dublin and one near the Flatiron building in Manhattan.

And it started so well.

Several media outlets reported how people had gathered to wave to each other, play spontaneous games of rock, scissors, bag and even a proposal.

Viral clips

But already after a few days was forced one closes down the portals. Among other things, pornography, swastikas and drugs are said to have been shown in front of the camera and various clips of, among other things, exposure at the portals quickly went viral on social media.

– They are a bit embarrassing, because the other side looks so normal and the Irish side looks a bit weird, says a visitor in Dublin.

Then the portal can open again

On Thursday, someone put up a note in Dublin that says “Rest in peace portalen” and “Sorry we mooned”.

The organization behind the portal, the Flatiron NoMad Partnership, has said it will remain offline until technical solutions are found to prevent inappropriate material from reaching the other side.

But at the same time promises the artists behind the project it should be “back at the end of the week”.
