Screams as Joe Biden addressed the nation

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Last night, US President Joe Biden gave his annual speech to the nation, where he reviewed the situation in the country and new legislative proposals. Among other things, he asked for Republicans’ help to complete the job of rebuilding the nation’s economy.

The American economy has the best starting point of all the world’s economies to be able to grow, Biden said in the speech. He gave a series of examples of the favorable economic situation of the United States in a world where the economy has not been a source of joy in recent years.

– Inflation is falling, fuel prices are falling, said Joe Biden.

Met by boos

During the speech, the president received a lot of applause but also boos when he talked about the tax system and how the richest in the country must start paying their share.

– Some Republicans want to take the economy hostage if I don’t agree to their plans. Instead of the rich paying their share, there are Republicans who want to eliminate Social Security entirely, the president said, drawing protests.

– Liar, shouted someone in the congress.

See more about Joe Biden’s “State of the union” in the clip above
