Owners must know the Dog Act – risk of fines

Owners must know the Dog Act risk of fines

Hundreds of thousands of dogs in Finland have not been registered in the country’s mandatory dog ​​register, even though it has been a year since the Finnish Food Agency put it into use.

In the future, they will therefore start checking the registration status of dogs in connection with veterinary visits and dog events, according to Swedish EPN.

If the Finnish authorities come across an unregistered dog, further monitoring of the dog’s identification is carried out – and if it turns out that the dog lacks a microchip, the owner risks a fine of up to SEK 58,000.

READ MORE: New dog law comes into force in 2024 – affects 260 owners in Sweden

The dog registry in Sweden – it applies

What do the regulations look like in Sweden, do dog owners risk the same large fines if you don’t know the law?

News24 contacted Länsstyrelsen Norrbotten, which coordinates Sweden’s work in the law on supervision of dogs and cats, to get an answer to the question.

Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

And also in Sweden there is a requirement for labeling and registration of both dogs and cats in the Swedish Agency for Agriculture’s register.

If attention is drawn to the fact that a dog is not registered, the owner is primarily informed of the existing regulations. They also ask a few questions about how it is that the dog is not registered.

“We then wait a short time (up to a couple of weeks) and then check whether the dog has been registered,” writes Ingrid RagnarssonActing Head of Unit at the Animal Welfare and Veterinary Unit at the County Administrative Board Norrbotten, and continues:

“Usually we do not start a separate case at this first stage. Many dog ​​owners do not know the rules and voluntarily register their dog in the register after being informed about the current legislation.”


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What happens if you don’t register your dog?

If the dog owner still hasn’t registered his dog after a couple of weeks, the County Administrative Board starts a case on the matter.

The owner usually has 7-14 days to submit a statement before a decision is made on the matter.

“If registration still does not take place and if no acceptable explanation has been received within the set comment period, then a decision is written regarding the injunction regarding marking and registration for the dog(s) in question. The injunction can, if it is perceived to be justified, also be combined with a fine,” writes Ragnarsson to News24.

How much is the fine in cases where it becomes relevant?

“It takes a lot before you have to resort to a fine in such a case. The amount must be decided in each individual case, it must be proportionate to the person concerned.”

READ MORE: Fancy a dog? Here are the breeds that are by far the most expensive to own
