Radars with artificial intelligence land on the roads and the fines are linked

Radars with artificial intelligence land on the roads and the

Artificial intelligence has been linked to a new model of radar. The offenses detected could not previously be detected by other radars.

Vision Zero South West. This is the name of the new radar with on-board artificial intelligence. In addition to our computers and smartphones, artificial intelligence is also gradually gaining other sectors, including road radars. Simple gadget or laboratory test? Not at all: this new radar model is on the road.

This device thus films 7 days a week and 24 hours a day all the vehicles circulating on a road and then directly uses artificial intelligence to analyze the images. How it works ? The camera, fixed in height, has an infrared flash and a high shutter speed, which allows it to take clear images of the cars it overlooks. These images are then sent to an AI which analyzes the images and detects potential infringements.

An experiment carried out in England thus made it possible to identify more than 300 infringements of the Highway Code during the first three days of installation of this new speed camera. 180 were arrested for failing to wear seat belts, 117 others for using mobile phones while driving. Something to surprise the authorities, somewhat frightened by these rapid results and by the number of offenders… All the images are then examined by the human in order to validate or not the infringements detected by the artificial intelligence. If the driver’s fault is confirmed, he receives a warning letter or a notice of violation depending on the seriousness of the offense with which he is accused.

Will this device tested in the United Kingdom soon arrive in France? The use of cameras linked to artificial intelligence is also on the cards for us. Specialized companies have already offered their services, particularly with a view to the 2024 Olympic Games. Inspecting the competition venues during the event and helping to manage flows and traffic would be its first mission. Suffice to say that if the results prove conclusive with our British neighbor, and this already seems to be the case in view of the first figures, our roads could soon be “enriched” with this new device… You have been warned.
